Como realizar um teste de perpendicularidade de frascos farmacêuticos para atender à norma ISO 9008

Ensuring the quality and integrity of pharmaceutical bottles is essential for maintaining product safety and compliance with industry standards. One critical aspect of quality control is the pharmaceutical bottle perpendicularity test, which assesses whether bottles are perfectly upright and aligned. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to perform this test in compliance with ISO 9008 standards.

Understanding Pharmaceutical Bottle Perpendicularity Test

The pharmaceutical bottle perpendicularity test measures the deviation of a bottle’s vertical axis from a true perpendicular position. This test is crucial for ensuring that bottles do not tilt or lean, which can compromise their stability and the integrity of their contents.

Importance of Compliance with ISO 9008

ISO 9008 is an international standard that specifies requirements for quality management systems, particularly focusing on the packaging and container industries. Compliance with ISO 9008 ensures that packaging materials and containers meet specific quality and safety standards, which is vital for the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical Bottle Perpendicularity Testing Machine ISO 9008

Setting Up the Pharmaceutical Bottle Perpendicularity Test

Equipment Needed

To perform the pharmaceutical bottle perpendicularity test, you will need a reliable and accurate bottle perpendicularity tester. We recommend the Cell Instruments PER-01 Bottle Perpendicularity Testing Machine for its precision and adherence to ISO 9008 standards.

Step-by-Step Testing Procedure

  1. Preparação da amostra: Certifique-se de que a garrafa esteja limpa e livre de qualquer obstrução.
  2. Posicionando a Garrafa: Coloque a garrafa na área designada no testador, certificando-se de que ela esteja segura.
  3. Setting Up the Tester: Position the tester on a stable surface and connect it to a power source. Calibrate the device by adjusting the probe to a known standard, ensuring accurate measurements.
  4. Realizando o teste: Ative o testador para iniciar o processo de medição. A sonda entrará em contato com a garrafa, e o mecanismo giratório garantirá múltiplos pontos de medição.
  5. Interpretando Resultados: O testador exibirá os resultados, indicando quaisquer desvios da perpendicularidade.

Ensuring Accuracy and Precision

Calibration and Maintenance

Regular calibration and maintenance of the bottle perpendicularity tester are crucial for ensuring accurate measurements. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for calibration and schedule routine maintenance checks.

Gestão de Dados

For enhanced data management, the Cell Instruments PER-01 Bottle Perpendicularity Testing Machine offers an optional data export feature. This allows users to export test results directly to PC Excel, facilitating easy data analysis and reporting.

Adherence to ISO 9008 Standards

To ensure compliance with ISO 9008, all measurements must conform to the specified criteria. The tester adheres strictly to sample specifications, providing highly accurate measurements of bottle perpendicularity.

Applications of Pharmaceutical Bottle Perpendicularity Testing

Indústria de embalagens

Na indústria de embalagens, garantir a perpendicularidade das garrafas é vital para embalagem e transporte eficientes. O Bottle Perpendicularity Tester ajuda a manter a uniformidade, reduzindo o risco de danos durante o manuseio e o transporte.

Indústria de alimentos e bebidas

Para a indústria de alimentos e bebidas, a perpendicularidade das garrafas é crucial para manter a integridade e a aparência do produto. Nosso testador garante que as garrafas estejam corretamente alinhadas, evitando vazamentos e derramamentos que podem comprometer a qualidade do produto.

Indústria Farmacêutica

Na indústria farmacêutica, a precisão da perpendicularidade dos frascos é essencial para manter a integridade dos produtos medicinais. Nosso testador garante que os frascos atendam aos rigorosos padrões de qualidade, salvaguardando a eficácia do conteúdo.

Agências de Inspeção de Qualidade

As agências de inspeção de qualidade contam com medições precisas para certificar a conformidade dos produtos com os padrões da indústria. O Bottle Perpendicularity Tester fornece a precisão e a confiabilidade necessárias para avaliações de qualidade completas.

Benefits of Using the Cell Instruments PER-01 Bottle Perpendicularity Testing Machine

  1. Ajuste conveniente da sonda: Allows for easy and precise alignment with the bottle.
  2. Precisão de leitura excepcional: Provides highly accurate measurements, ensuring each bottle meets required specifications.
  3. Rotação de amostra consistente: Ensures uniform testing by measuring the bottle at various points.
  4. Adesão às especificações da amostra: Em conformidade com as normas ISO 9008.
  5. Exportação de dados opcional para PC Excel: Facilita a análise e a geração de relatórios de dados.


Na Cell Instruments, entendemos que diferentes indústrias têm requisitos de teste exclusivos. Nosso Bottle Perpendicularity Tester pode ser personalizado para atender a necessidades específicas, garantindo que ele forneça as medições exatas necessárias para seus produtos.

Perguntas frequentes

1. What is a pharmaceutical bottle perpendicularity test?

The pharmaceutical bottle perpendicularity test measures the deviation of a bottle’s vertical axis from its true perpendicular position to ensure stability and integrity.

2. Why is compliance with ISO 9008 important?

ISO 9008 specifies requirements for quality management systems, ensuring packaging materials and containers meet specific quality and safety standards.

3. How often should the bottle perpendicularity tester be calibrated?

Regular calibration is essential. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and schedule routine maintenance checks for accuracy.

4. Can the PER-01 tester be customized?

Yes, the Cell Instruments PER-01 Bottle Perpendicularity Testing Machine can be customized to meet specific industry needs.

5. What industries benefit from bottle perpendicularity testing?

Industries such as packaging, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and quality inspection agencies benefit from ensuring bottle perpendicularity for product safety and quality.

By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing the right equipment, you can ensure that your pharmaceutical bottles meet the highest standards of quality and compliance with ISO 9008.

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ISO 9008

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