
Protrusion Puncture Test | Stretch Wrap Films Puncture Resistance

Protrusion Puncture Test | Stretch Wrap Films Puncture Resistance Puncture resistance is very important in end-use performance of stretch wrap film used in consumer and industrial product applications. Puncture resistance is a measure of the energy-absorbing ability of a stretch wrap film in resisting a protrusion. The test method is designed to provide the user …

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Comprobador de sellado térmico HST-01

El termosellado es una tecnología que funde el borde del material con calor bajo un tiempo, temperatura y presión determinados, de modo que el material de embalaje de plástico forme un sello hermético. El termosellado es una tecnología, pero también un método y un proceso. En términos generales, los materiales probados para el termosellado son películas de plástico, embalajes flexibles…

Comprobador de sellado térmico HST-01 Leer más "

Prueba de penetrabilidad para tapones de caucho

Penetrability Test for Rubber Stoppers Importance of Penetrability Test for Rubber Stoppers Penetrability testing assesses the force required by medical needles, such as those used in syringes, to pierce the rubber stoppers of vials. Quality Control This test is crucial for ensuring that rubber stoppers effectively seal medication containers, preventing contamination, leakage, and potential harm …

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Sellado de envases cosméticos y detección de fugas

Sealing and leak detection of cosmetic packaging refers to the characteristics of the packaging bag to prevent other substances from entering or the contents from escaping. There are two commonly used detection methods: Water decompression method: Take Cell Instruments LT-02 Leak Tester as an example. This leak tester is the equipment based on the principle …

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About Cell Instruments

Cell Instruments Co., Ltd is your one-stop shop for all your material testing needs. We are a leading manufacturer of material testing equipment and supplies for the packaging, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetics and adhesive industries, etc. Our products are designed to help you accurately and reliably measure the quality and safety of your products. …

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Importancia de la prueba del envasado de alimentos

Importance of Food Packaging Testing and Testing Instruments Food needs good packaging to protect it from spoilage, contamination, and other hazards. Good packaging also helps to maintain the quality and freshness of the food and to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Additionally, good packaging helps to extend the shelf life of the food …

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Importancia e instrumentos para la prueba de envases de alimentos

Importance and Instrument of Food Package Testing 5 Reasons Why Packaging Is Important For Food Let’s consider the importance of food packaging through an example: Imagine you’re buying fresh produce, say strawberries, from the supermarket. Without proper packaging, these strawberries are susceptible to damage, bruising, and spoilage during transportation and handling. However, if they are …

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