معيار الاختبار

اختبار قوة ضغط المحقنة: فهم أهميته وأفضل الممارسات

The syringe compression force test is a critical procedure for assessing the performance and safety of medical syringes. It measures the force required to move the plunger within the syringe barrel, simulating the conditions that occur during the actual use of syringes. This test is essential in ensuring the syringe’s reliability and functionality, especially for …

اختبار قوة ضغط المحقنة: فهم أهميته وأفضل الممارسات اقرأ المزيد »

اختبار قوة انزلاق مكبس المحقنة: ضمان السلامة والموثوقية في الأجهزة الطبية

The syringe plunger glide force test is an essential procedure in the medical device industry, ensuring that syringes function safely and effectively. This test measures the force required to move the syringe plunger smoothly, a key indicator of the syringe’s overall design and usability. In this article, we will explore the syringe plunger glide force …

اختبار قوة انزلاق مكبس المحقنة: ضمان السلامة والموثوقية في الأجهزة الطبية اقرأ المزيد »

Needle Penetration Test for Vial Stopper Quality Assurance ISO 8871-5

Needle Penetration Test for Vial Stopper Quality Assurance I. What is Needle Penetration Testing? Definition and Purpose Needle penetration testing is a crucial method used to assess the puncture resistance of vial stoppers and the puncture ability of needles. This test ensures that the materials used in medical and pharmaceutical packaging maintain their integrity when …

Needle Penetration Test for Vial Stopper Quality Assurance ISO 8871-5 اقرأ المزيد »

How To Use Penetration Force Tester To Meet ISO 8871-5

I. What is a Penetration Force Tester? A penetration force tester is a specialized instrument designed to measure the force required for a needle to penetrate a stopper, such as those used in pharmaceutical packaging. Significance of Needle Penetration Tests Needle penetration tests are essential for verifying the quality and performance of stoppers used in …

How To Use Penetration Force Tester To Meet ISO 8871-5 اقرأ المزيد »

Needle Penetrability Tester for Vial Stopper | ISO 8871-5

Vial Stopper Needle Penetrability Tester I. Introduction of needle penetrability tester     In the realm of pharmaceutical quality control, ensuring the integrity of vial stoppers is paramount. A crucial aspect of this evaluation is assessing the needle penetrability of elastomeric closures, a process facilitated by specialized equipment known as Needle Penetrability Testers. This instrument …

Needle Penetrability Tester for Vial Stopper | ISO 8871-5 اقرأ المزيد »

Penetrability Tester for Vial Stopper | ISO 8871-5

The NPT-01 penetrability tester is used to test the force required to pierce vial stoppers and complies with ISO 8771-5. I. Introduction of Penetrability Tester In the realm of pharmaceutical packaging, ensuring the integrity of rubber stoppers is paramount. The seal provided by these stoppers can mean the difference between preserving the efficacy of life-saving …

Penetrability Tester for Vial Stopper | ISO 8871-5 اقرأ المزيد »

Stretch Wrap Film Testing for Transport Packaging

Stretch Wrap Film Testing for Transport Packaging Stretch wrap film, also known as stretch film, is a new type of industrial packaging film products. It is characterized by light, soft and thin, good tensile properties, elongation properties and self-adhesive properties. Its application in transportation packaging is a packaging method that improves packaging efficiency and saves …

Stretch Wrap Film Testing for Transport Packaging اقرأ المزيد »

الكشف عن مستويات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في المشروبات

حجم غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون هو مؤشر جودة مهم للمشروبات الغازية. يحتوي المشروب الغازي النموذجي على ما يقرب من 3-4 أحجام (6-8 جم / لتر) من ثاني أكسيد الكربون. يتم تحديد الكربنة عادة في المشروبات الغازية عن طريق قياس الضغط في الحاوية عند درجة حرارة معروفة. تقدم CELTEC بفخر جهاز اختبار حجم ثاني أكسيد الكربون CLRT-01 الخاص بنا لاختبار ...

الكشف عن مستويات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في المشروبات اقرأ المزيد »

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